




共需約 170100元人民幣。

※ 目前第一階段建材經費已籌足,也開始購買。但五萬元人工費尚需籌募。


共需約 124450元人民幣。



共需約 75ooo元人民幣。



The list of the materail that we have buy for the Four class-rooms and one Liberary that also very important to have a knowledge treasure. therefore the five will stand in one line. the materail that we bought for it is in the underline.

No.  Name                 Propose                                      Amount                           Total

1    Cements             For stand-up the wall and             700 Bg * 13 Yung               9100-
laste and the base-ment. 

2    Transfer               trunk transfer the Cenents              11,000-                         11,000-
From Xinning                   

3    Iron                     For Bin and Pillar                         XXXX enough                   15,000-

4    Window & door    Ten window and five door                  15 pc                            7,000-

5    usages things      Small items                                     xxxx                          5,000-

6    Cements             For make the Bricks for                800bg*13yung                 10,400-
                              stand up the walls            

7    Transfer               Truck transfer the goods                 11,000-                        11,000-
                                from Xinning                    

8    Plate-cement       that is use for make ceiling             about xx                      20,000-
                                for whole five rooms        

9    Machine              For make the Big cement Brick          1 pc                         13,000-

10    Tractors             transfer the sand, stone,etc                2pc                           6,000-

12    Transfer             All the Goods Transfer from 
                                Nanchen to School with load          about 18*700                12,600-

13    Labour               from the beginning to end  xxxx                                         50,000-

Final      End of of the conclusion the amount will be about the Young        170,100-

※ Now we are lack of the Labour charge for the above project .


Now we are hoping that your society could help for stand-up the four Students hostels and three teacher's hostel with attached the toliet  and the materail that maybe need to spend as in the underline list.

No.  Name                 Propose                                      Amount                           Total

1    Cements             For plaste and base-ment             800bg*14                      11,200-
stand-up wall                    

2    Iron                     Bin and Pillar                                xxxxx                          15,000-

3    Door                   10 doors                                        10pc                            5,000-

4    Window              15 windows                                    15 pc                           6,750-

5    Plate-brick           For the ceiling                               xxxx                           20,000-

6    Transfer              Goods from Xinning                         xxxx                          11,000-

7    Transfer              Goods from Nanchen to                 about 8 ti                       5,500-
                                school with load          

8    Labour                Charges for workers                        xxxx                          50,000-

The expendire of the above amount will come to about the amount Young 124,450- and the Labour could waiting for untill April of this year. the hard-work will start during that time. Thanks very much for your kind- consideration and I hope that your society could help the Hostels of this year.



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